Monday, May 01, 2006
Gummer Gear Diary (May 1, 2006)
by C.Martin
Another tedious day at work, sitting at my desk, reading complaints. At first, it didn't seem like I'd have enough time for any kind of gadget-based activity. But then I noticed my thumbnail to be a bit long. No nail clippers in my pocket, but no fear. Leatherman to the rescue! My trusty Wave features a handy pair of small scissors, strong enough to easily trim even the harshest thumbnail.
Still later, I found the Wave's pliers a handy way to remove staples. Not just any staples though. No, we have these really hardcore staplers at work that seem like they could fasten DVDs together. They have this big long arm that works like the lever on a press, then fold the thick metal prongs of the staples around. These heavy duty staples laugh at traditional staple removers. But they don't laugh at the Wave! Stainless steel, needlenose-fury easily bends the heavy duty staples straight then pulls them from the sheaf of papers I had put together. After adding the ONE sheet I had misplaced to the file, I stapled it all back together again.
Not much else to do with my Gummer Gear tonight... I'm planning on taking it easy this election eve and watching some TV... which means I'll have time to sit down and work on honing the Wave's main blade to razor sharpness with my diamond sharpening stone!